About the band / O zespole

About the band

Snakedoctors are four friends who started the band in Gdansk, Poland in May of 2020. Since then they released twenty four singles (including a Christmas special and a song in Czech under name Jiri Blaha & Framuga Boys) and four albums: „Obligation”, „Joy Free Bowl”, „Mellow Joy” and “Four and a half”. With a new one - "Waiting" coming in May of 2023. Their biggest hit single so far - „Close That Door” has been a number one for over 30 weeks in Poland at Radio Olsztyn Top 40 and also at Radio Ostrowiec Top 20. That success was followed by “Too Many” and "Destroyed" feat. Nik Hughes from Bush at no. 1 at Radio Olszyn Top 40 and Radio Ostrowiec Top 20 and “Crime Story”  at no. 2 at the same chart. Another one - „Got Him Another Girl” reached number one at radio airplay chart for Central America. All singles charted at Poland iTunes Rock Top 100 (many of them reached number one), one of the indie radio charts in the UK (including four number ones - „A Song”, „Tinder Girl”, “Crime Story” and "Wuss") and other radio charts in the US, Columbia, Ecuador and Peru. Their albums charted at Empik Top 100 muisc album sells chart and UK Albums top chart by one of UK based radio stations.

Snakedoctors songs get the airplay in many countries worldwide and on 4 continents. The same applies to reviews that their albums and singles receive.

Their fourth double album „Four and a half” was out in May of 2022. The album was officially supported by two radio stations in Poland - Radio Olsztyn and Radio Tczew. The songs on both cds are very diverse. On the first one there are songs influenced heavily by new wave, dark wave, post-punk and shoegaze. And the second one is definitely on the grunge side. As before the band managed to get to co-operate with many well known producers. That includes not only the regulars from Abbey Road Studios (Chris Bolster) and Metropolis Studios (Andy “Hippy” Baldwin”) but also - Joe Gibb who is well known for his work with Depeche Mode, The Cure, The Kinks, Jane’s Addiction, Stone Roses and The Mission and Kevin Paul who worked with Depeche Mode and the Kinks and also with Yazoo, Erasure and David Bowie. Another producer is Matt Gerhard working closely among many with the band Spoon. Also the vocalist and guitarist’s friend - Corey Alley (Hobbit Hole Records) appeared on the album.

There are also three remixes of album songs - two of them were made in Vancouver, Canada and another one was done by Wojciech the band member, the one who used to play in bands in the US during his college years. Two songs form first two Snakedoctors albums were mixed and mastered by Thomas Queyja from The Lip Studio in LA - Wojciech's friend from old US times when Thomas produced songs for The Implants formerly known as the Shriners album.

We will also have a few female vocalists appear in songs, including Christine Corless and talented Ukrainian vocalist Victory Vizhanska.

There are also three remixes of album songs - two of them were made in Vancouver, Canada and another one was done by Wojciech the band member, the one who used to play in bands in the US during his college years. The singles are promoted by videos made among many in Ukraine, Indonesia, Serbia and Germany.

Snakedoctors are:

Wojciech Wypych (vocals in most songs, guitar and also keyboards in some songs and drums in a very few songs)

Jaroslaw Szybowski (bass)

Jacek Karnat (keyboard and also vocal in “Dziwny Kraj”, “Bal Maskowy”, “Wódeczka” and “Semplice Una Canzone”)

Robert Porazka (Drums).

Most Snakedoctors songs were written and composed by Wojciech Wypych except for lyrics for “Dziwny Kraj”, “Bal Maskowy”, “Wódeczka” and “Semplice Una Canzone” - by Jacek Karnat, "Dreaming" - lyrics by Jaroslaw Szybowski, "Idą Święta" - lyrics by Wojcech Wypych and Jaroslaw Szybowski and "Czarna Dama" lyrics by Wojciech Wypych, music by Wojciech Wypych and Jaroslaw Szybowski).

As they say - they play music because it’s fun. It’s an indie band releasing their music on indie label Case Studio. Band’s albums are distributed by MyMusic.

More about the band at http://snakedoctors.com/, https://www.instagram.com/snakedoctors_official/, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy-Pk-3rpgmBVePBOTgFiOQ, https://open.spotify.com/artist/5vyum9X5jhjw9xc5RpUuw6 and https://www.instagram.com/snakedoctors_official/.

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Snakedoctors to gdański zespół założony przez czterech przyjaciół w maju 2020 roku. Od tego czasu wydali dwadzieścia cztery single (w tym piosenkę świąteczną „Idą Święta” oraz na prima aprilis 2021 singla w języku czeskim jako Jiri Blaha & Framuga Boys - grany w jednej z praskich stacji radiowych w Czechach) oraz cztery albumy: „Obligation”, „Joy Free Bowl”, „Mellow Joy” i „Four and a half”. Najnowszy "Waiting" wychodzi w maju 2023 roku.

Ich największy przebój „Close That Door” przez ponad 30 tygodni był na pierwszym miejscu listy przebojów Raga Top Radia Olsztyn a także znalazł się na szczycie Playlisty Listy Przebojów Radia Ostrowiec. Sukces ten powtórzył na obu listach singiel „Too Many” oraz "Destroyed" z udziałem Nika Hughesa z zespoły Bush a „Crime Story” dotarł do drugiego miejsca listy w Ostrowcu. Inny singiel - „Got Him Another Girl” znalazł się na z kolei na szczycie listy przebojów Top 50 bazującej na air play w krajach Ameryki Centralnej. Wszystkie single znalazły się na listach iTunes Rock Top 100 (w tym wiele na pierwszym miejscu) oraz na jednej z list radiowych przebojów indie w UK (w tym cztery - „A Song”, „Tinder Girl”, „Crime Story” i „Wuss” na miejscu pierwszym) oraz na radiowych listach przebojów w Stanach, Kolumbii, Ekwadorze i Peru oraz listach przebojów Spotify w Stanach („Friday Night”) oraz You Tube w Japanii („Snake Doctor”). Ich płyty znalazły się również na listach Sprzedaży Empik Top 100 oraz na liście UK album jednej z brytyjskich stacji radiowych.

Ich piosenki grane są przez stacje radiowe w Polsce i kilkudziesięciu krajach świata - na czterech kontynentach (w tym w Stanach, UK, Australii i Rosji). Kilkukrotnie ze statusem płyty miesiąca (Polska) oraz zespołu i singli (UK) tygodnia. Recenzje ich płyt i utworów oraz płyt ukazały się m.in. w Polsce (m.in. Teraz Rock, ArtMundus, Muzykoholicy i Heavy Metal Pages) oraz w Wielkiej Brytanii, Stanach, Niemczech, Holandii, Portugalii, Brazylii, Francji, Włoszech, Kanadzie, Serbii, Egipcie i wielu innych krajach.

Ich kolejny, czwarty już dwupłytowy album „Four and a half” ukazał się w maju 2022 roku. Płyta wydana została pod patronatem Polskiego Radia Olsztyn i Radia Tczew. Znalazły się na nim utwory o szerokim spektrum gatunków. Na pierwszym krążku znajdą się utwory będące kontynuacją dotychczasowych wydawnictw zespołu - stylowo zbliżone do new wave, dark wave, post-punk i shoegaze. A na drugim - niejako powrót do źródeł - bliżej grunge. Zespołowi udało się - jak poprzednio - namówić do współpracy liczne grono znanych producentów. Oprócz dotychczasowego zespołu z Abbey Road Studios (Chris Bolster) i Metropolis Studios (Andy „Hippy” Baldwin) na najnowszej płycie znajdą się również piosenki zmiksowane przez Joe Gibb’a, który znany jest ze współpracy między innymi z Depeche Mode, The Cure, The Kinks, Jane’s Addiction, Stone Roses i The Mission oraz zmasterowane przez Kevina Paul’a, który również współpracował z Depeche Mode i the Kinks a także z Yazoo, Erasure i Davidem Bowie. Kolejną znaną postacią, która wzięła udział w produkcji jednego z utworów jest Matt Gerhard współpracujący na co dzień m.in. z zespołem Spoon. I to nie wszyscy.

W nagraniu kilku piosenek wzięły udział również m.in. wokalistki z Ukrainy, w tym utalentowana Victoria Vizhanska i ze Stanów Zjednoczonych (m.in. Christine Corless) a dwa z trzech remiksów zamieszczonych na płycie zrealizowane zostały w studiu w Vancouver w Kanadzie. Teledyski do ich singli promujących najnowsza płytę nakręcone zostały m.in. w Indonezji, Ukrainie, Serbii, Niemczech i oczywiście w Polsce.

Jeden z muzyków grał wcześniej w czasach studenckich w zespołach w Stanach. Na pierwszej i drugiej płycie znalazły się utwory zrealizowane przez przyjaciela Wojciecha z tamtych czasów - Thomasa Queyja z The Lip Studio w LA („Life’s No Prison” i „Convince me”). Thomas zrealizował dużą część nagrań z albumu ówczesnego zespołu Wojciecha („The Implants” dawniej znanego jak „The Shriners”) nagranej w Stanach.

Snakedoctors to:

Wojciech Wypych (wokal w zdecydowanej większości utworów, gitara a także klawisze w części piosenek a także perkusja w dosłownie kilku piosenkach)

Jaroslaw Szybowski (bas)

Jacek Karnat (klawisze oraz wokal w “Dziwny Kraj”, “Bal Maskowy”, “Wódeczka” i “Semplice Una Canzone”)

Robert Porazka (perkusja).

Muzyka i słowa większości piosenek - Wojciech Wypych (poza słowami do “Dziwny Kraj”, “Bal Maskowy”, “Wódeczka” i “Semplice Una Canzone” - Jacek Karnat, „Dreaming” - Jarosław Szybowski, „Idą Święta” słowa napisane wspólnie z Jarosławem Szybowskim i "Czarna Dama" z kolei muzyka napisana wspólnie z Jarosławem Szybowskim).

Jak sami mówią - grają, ponieważ sprawia im to przyjemność.

Więcej informacji - http://snakedoctors.com/, https://www.instagram.com/snakedoctors_official/, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy-Pk-3rpgmBVePBOTgFiOQ, https://open.spotify.com/artist/5vyum9X5jhjw9xc5RpUuw6 oraz na stronie ich wydawcy Case Studio https://case-studio.pl/ . Płyty zespołu są w dystrybucji MyMusic.

I kolejny wywiad - wraz z recenzją - tym razem w magazynie muzycznym Punk Head:

Punk Head - 21.04.2023

This time a review on our new single and the interview with the band in Punk Head music magazine. Thank you Punk Head! The interview and full review are at the link below and the interview also further below.


Tym razem recenzja naszego nowego singla i wywiad z zespołem w magazynie muzycznym Punk Head. Dziękujemy Punk Head! Wywiad i pełna recenzja znajdują się w linku powyżej a wywiad również niżej.

The interview:

Punk Head: I love the duality in "Brighter" and the creativity of it. Can you tell us a little bit more? What inspired you to write the song?

Snakedoctors: We all go thru some bad and some fine moments. The song reflects some actual stories but might be probably applied to things that happened to anyone’s life. We all hope that after dark days those bright might arrive. As simple as that. The lyrics have actually also a deeper second meaning is hidden in its final part…

PH: What was your favorite moment in making the music video?

Snakedoctors: We usually have a lot of fun making them. Imagine four friends who like to spend time together and have to do something serious… That’s actually probably the most serious production so far. The fun part was that… the onset restroom was out of service on that day. So we did all the filming quickly.

PH: What is your creative vision as a band?

Snakedoctors: So far it had been fun mostly. But with Waiting album arriving we believe we are actually making pretty good music with some quality in it. And that’s the plan - more music and better music.

PH: What is coming up next for you?

Snakedoctors: The new album is coming out in May. More promo videos, singles and shows. We actually already nearly finished songs for next year's album - so we want to close that one too. And then more songs, shows…

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

Snakedoctors: That playing music is fun. And if you want to have a band - get yourself one. With friends. It’s a great way to spend time. And once you have it - send your music everywhere. Out of 100 mailouts 10 will respond and at least one will play it. As simple as that. That’s the math part of art:)

Tym razem wywiad w brytyjskim Music Arena GH

Dziękujemy Music Arena za informację o "Brighter" i wywiad z nami. Poczytać można sobie pod linkiem poniżej i niżej pod artykułem!
We appreciate Music Arena the info about "Brighter" and the interview with us. Y'all can read it at the link above and below!

The interview:

Is there a story behind your stage name?
It’s dragonflies in a dialect used in the South (US). Our guitar player and vocalist used to live there.

Where do you find inspiration?
Lyricswise – just around, life brings so much inspiration that you don’t need anything else. Musicwise – just the music styles we like

What was the role of music in the early years of your life?
We all grew up with music around. Our leader played in bands since his young years – both in Poland and in the US

Are you from a musical or artistic family?

Not exactly

Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry?
It wasn’t exactly the inspiration just something that came along. Starting with the will to play music and having a band and finally… just doing it with all those aspects that make you a part of the industry. Let’s clarify – indie industry

How did you learn to sing/write/to play?

Our leader writes song – it all comes natural to him. He can wake up and write and record songs on daily basis. As far as playing instruments – he learned his skill when he was a kid and others in later years

What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform?
Probably some jazz band in early childhood

How could you describe your music?

A blend of grunge, hard rock and garage rock with some new wave flavor


Describe your creative process.
Our leader comes with new tunes shows us what and how to play we add some of our stuff into it and we have a song

What is your main inspiration?

Our heros – in grunge Alice in chains, Stone Temple Pilots and hard rock Deep Purple. New wave – anything from Joy Division to synth based Depeche Mode.

What musician do you admire most and why
That would be the same bands that stand for our inspiration.

Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career?

It just goes around styles that inspire us – but initially our music was more on a grunge side, later on new wave and now it’s back to grunge

Who do you see as your main competitor?

We don’t look at others as competitors. We would rather treat all of us as a part of a music scene

What are your interests outside of music?

Probably sports and travelling

If it wasn’t a music career, what would you be doing?

Brain surgeons

What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music?
Big labels that rule the world and decide who could do what. And we keep hearing that streaming kills music – as for a small fee listeners get all and there’s nothing left for musicians… Being indie makes you less fragile on that

If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be?
If you want to listen to music you should buy it instead of paying a small fee to streaming companies. That’s what we keep hearing. Let’s look at it in this way – imagine that all people go to work and instead of salary receive a small fee (i.e. 0,01%) on weekly or monthly bases. Not the income just a small part of it and most of earned money goes to companies providing the administrative services.

Why did you choose this as the title of this project?

It’s just a tile of first song that we started to work on for this album.

What are your plans for the coming months?

More recording and live shows

Do you have any artistic collaboration plans

This coming album brought collaborations with members of Bush and some duets with artists we had worked with already. No precise or clear plans for near future. At least for now.

What message would you like to give to your fans?

Listen to music you like, have fun and be happy. There are enough of bad things in the world around to create more of that


Kolejny wywiad w brytyjskim "Lost in a Manor"!

Wczoraj ponad godzinna rozmowa w Radiu Tczew a w brytyjskim blogu muzycznym "Lost in the manor" wywiad z nami. Całość wraz z informacja o Brighter, można znaleźć pod poniższym linkiem i niżej:
Dziękujemy Lost in the manor!
Last night we had a nice over one hour chat on Radio Tczew an on the same day an interview in UK based "Lost in the manor" was out. The info on "Brighter" and the interview are at the link above and below.
We appreciate "Lost in the manor"!

Hey Snakedoctors, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. This is the third time I'm interviewing you. How would you summarize the last several months?

A lot of recording done. Having a new album out in May. Already working on the next one. Many collabs with new guest artists featured and with those we worked with previously.

What’s your strongest memory of your childhood?

Music my father listened to - mainly the Rolling Stones, the Animals and the Beatles.

Your latest release is 'Brighter (feat. Nik Hughes)'. Can you share with us the background of its creation and did any unusual things happen during its creation?

In October we had nearly 20 songs to pick from for a new album. Then we recorder “Waiting” and all changed. We put all those songs away and included only that one and songs recorder after. “Brighter” was the second one. It all took time from October of 2022 to March of 2023. We managed to involve Nik Huges again. And Stephen Marcussen who mastered “Brighter” and most of the new album.

Can you write something about the creation of the music video? Are there interesting anecdotes?

All of the filming too no more than 1.5-2 hours. As always spontaneous with script and shooting itself. Our lead actress filmed her part in a separate location. At ours we had a lot of fun doing the video.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest musical trends?

Probably we don’t. We listen to a lot of music - including new stuff but still keep that old traditional grunge and new wave routine.

What do you feel is the best song that you have ever released and why?

The best one is probably on the new album to arrive. So far the best one was “Close that Door” which did very good for an indie band.

Why do you want to record and release your own music?

We love it. It’s fun to create music. Like the best hobby you can possibly have.

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans.

When we play shows it’s a direct contact. We maintain our social accounts and the website. Our main message to our fans it - listen to what you like, try also our music and do what makes you happy (as long as it doesn’t make others unhappy)

Do you think it's easy to become established in the music world, or is it difficult?

Difficult. Hard work. And it seems all place are already taken and managed by the few… But trying is the way…

What can I wish you regarding your career and private life?

Private one - happiness as it may be sometimes rare to find. And peace for all of us. Career - musically so we can continue that great journey. Else - just have enough to make the living.

Thank you for a chance for this conversation and all the best for you and the readers.


Świetny artykuł o nas w Polskiej Muzyce Alternatywnej!

Dziękujemy redakcji i redaktorom Polskiej Muzyki Alternatywnej za artykuł o naszym zespole i naszej muzyce. Robicie prawdziwy wielki kawał świetnej roboty dla promocji muzyki niezależnej w Polsce!!!


We appreciate Polska Muzyka Alternatywna magazine. Y'all are doing great job promoting indie music in Poland!

Wywiad z nami w blogu muzycznym "Send Me Your Ears"

Właśnie ukazał się w blogu muzycznym "Send Me your Ears" wywiad z nami - dostępny jest tutaj:
A review with us is out just now in "Send Me Your Ears" music blog (at the link above)!
We appreciate!!!

Pełen tekst wywiadu po niżej/ The interview also below:

We took some time to chat with Polish band, Snakedoctors today. Read on to find out more.

You’ve had some huge successes with airplay and interest in your home country. Tell us about your success in Poland

It actually started with radio stations abroad first. Here it’s very difficult with indie rock. But somehow our songs would get picked first by local stations and rock-oriented shows and then our songs reached also main and mainstream stations. We appreciate a lot all those who play and listen to our music.

You work with a lot of guest artists and producers. How do you choose who you’d like to work with?

Personwise we basically try to work with those we like and appreciate. Generally, once we get the idea we just reach out and ask. My previous US music experience helps sometimes. But contrary to common belief often it’s our heroes who simply answer and try to fit us in their schedules.

Who would be your dream collaboration?
Alice in Chains.

If you could go open for any artist who would it be?
Alice in chains and Bush tour.

Tell us about your forthcoming album. What can the fans expect?
It’s interesting how in reviews we read that each next of our albums is better than the previous one. In the case of the new one – we do believe so. We grew up musically and this time – still having fun recording – we really got into that a lot. It feels like a nice piece of work. The album is more on that heavier Snakedoctors’ side but still very melodic. There are really interesting collabs in it this time – starting from artists, finishing with engineers and producers. We will keep the names for release time but the first single “Destroyed” already revealed Nik Hughes from Bush on drums, Marshall Gallagher (a leader of Teenage Wrist) doing mixing and Howie Weinberg Mastering involvement. And there is more. We will have also vocal collabs – with Christine (as heard in “Too Many”) returning.

If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?
A lot to talk about. You can’t really change it. Streaming changed the music world. Also the industry. With a lot of good and bad things about it. In the past, people actually had to buy music to listen to it. Things were different. And then what we have around… There’s room for all kinds of music. We love rock. More of it around more good time for us. We’re in music because we love it, we are friends and it’s fun. Regardless of everything out there.

You have some diverse influences to your music. Please tell us more about who gives you inspiration.
That would be music we grew up with, played or listen to. Definitely grunge and that harder type of rock to start with (Alice in chains, Stone temple pilots, Bush and many more), melodic metal (Megadeth, Metallica), new wave (Joy Division, Sisters of Mercy), early Depeche Mode and many more.

What’s your ideal gig?
Festival type of show with grunge, rock and new wave bands we like.

What do you talk about when you’re together but not playing?
We are friends and we hang out a lot together – basically go out for a band night once a week, throw parties and more. We share a lot of friends, too. We have a lot of fun spending time together. And music is just one of many things we talk about.

Thanks for chatting with us today, we wish you continued success.

Find out more about Snakedoctors below;


Wywiad w Polskim Radiu Koszalin!

Jeżeli ktoś nie miał okazji posłuchać nas w Radiu Koszalin wczoraj pod wieczór - tu jest informacja i link do rozmowy. Jeszcze raz dziękujemy Radiu Koszalin i wszystkim osobom przygotowującym audycję oraz prowadzącemu audycje "W dobrym klimacie"!!!


If anyone didn't get a chance to listin to us (in Polish) on Radio Koszalin yesterday - here's the link to the info and the interview. And again we appreciate Radio Koszalin and all people involved in the making of the show!!!

Wywiad w brytyjskim Lost In A Manor!
The interview in UK based Lost In A Manor!

Zapraszamy do kolejnego wywiadu z nami - tym razem w brytyjskim Lost In A Manor - rozmawiamy o najnowszym singlu ale nie tylko:)
Here's another interview with us, this time in UK based Lost In A Manor magazine - mainly about our newest single but not only:)
We appreciate!!!

Kamil) Hey Snakedoctors, super nice to have the chance to chat with you. How has the time gone for you since our last interview?

Generally more fun, more new songs and recording.

What role does the artist have in society?

Educate and entertain. Within artists - keeping doing real cool things instead of getting into stupid things.

Your latest song is 'Destroyed'. Can you tell us more about the making of it and if there were any unusual things happening during the process?

The new version of the song we did with more attention than the original. And we asked Nik from Bush to join in. The song turned into a really cool project then. Then I thought there’s that band I love so much - this is when Marshall arrived with mixing. And since that songs for my US band in the past ended at Howie Weinberg studio already… I thought why not Snakedoctors. That’s how the mastering was done.

Can you write about the making of the music video? Where was it created? What was the accompanying mood?

Initially we wanted to do the band music playing video - think of 90’s grunge. But we couldn’t sync our schedules. Mainly due to that terrible flu going around. Here our good friend from Serbia came in. She nails exactly what we have on mind. So she did all the production based on rough screenplay draft. So, it’s her talents and hard work. Turned out great.

How was the cooperation with Nik Hughes? Can we expect more collaborative tracks?

Yes, we can but Robert is our drum player and it sure will stay that way. I remember watching Bush video with my old US bandmates. We loved it. Now it turned out Snakedoctors have that great chance to work with Nik… Life is awesome

Is the artistic life lonely? What do you do to counteract it?

Nope. We bandmates are all friends and we spend a lot of time together. Not only practices, studio work or gigs. We go out very often Actually all people around the band turn into friends, so nothing related to loneliness there.

What is your dream project?

Doing what Nik has done for some longer time now. Bush is touring with Jerry Cantrell and Bush. So that would be touring with AIC or a project with them.

Who is your favorite musician?

Alice in chains.

When were you generally fulfilled in your position as an artist?

Another good question… already right in the beginning in first bands in elementary school playing my first guitar and using sofa as a drum set. My then bandmate still owns the demo tape we had made back then;)

What can we expect from Snakedoctors in the near future?

More music. We believe good music.

The interview is at the link above/Wywiad pod linkiem wyżej

Wywiad z nami w egipskim "Rocker Magazine"!
An interview with us in "Rocker Magazine" from Egypt!

Dziękujemy Hazam i Rocker Magazine! Kolejny wywiad z nami - tym razem tym egipskim magazynie muzycznym. A w nim m.in. o "Too Many", nowym albumie i o nas. Wywiad jest pod poniższym linkiem:
We appreciate Hazam and Rocker Magazine! This time an interview with us in that music magazine form Egypt! We're talking - among many - about: "Too Many" single, the new album and the band. The interview is at the link above.

Wywiad z nami w Blaster Music Magazine
Interview in Music Blaster

Really cool interview in a popular music magazine from Serbia. Thank you Blaster - Music Magazine for having us!
Bardzo fajny wywiad z nami w angielskojęzycznym serbskim magazynie muzycznym. Dziękujemy Blaster - Music Magazine!

Wywiad dla / Interview for
562 Live Radio (Long Beach, California)

Wywiad dla tej amerykańskiej stacji jest pod poniższym linkiem:
The interview for that US based radio station is at the link above.



"Close That Door" was the highest new entry at no. 1 at Radio Olsztyn Top 40 in Poland. Since then (as of Nov. of 2021) it's been consecutivel no. 1 for 9 weeks since then.

All of our singles charted on Poland iTunes Top 100 Rock Songs Chart and Poland iTunes Top 100 (All genres). Since February we've had four number ones on Rock Chart with "Destroyed", "A Song", "Cecil Has Changed" and "Sweeter" and numer two hits with "Girl With Sponges (feat. Catlea)", "Close That Door", "Jeff Johnson Spoke", "Pierogi" and "Tinder Girl" and with many top 10s on all genres regular Top 100 chart.  All those charts stand for singles sales (pay & download).

We also topped the UK Talk Radio Indie Top 30 chart - four times with "A Song" (April and June of 2021) and three times with "Tinder Girl" (August of 2021). "Jeff Johnson Spoke" reached no. 2 twice and "Close That Door" once at that chart. We're having also "Sweeter" out charting top 10 of that top 30.

Our singles "A Song", "Tinder Girl", "Close That Door" and "Girl With Sponges (feat. Catlea)" reached Top 50 chart for Central America. It's a chart based on FM stations airplay in Central America countries. "Close That Door" and "Girl With Sponges" both reached no. 33 at that chart.

"Bubba Does" also made it to radio airplay based Top 50 chart in Ecuador.

Our singles "A Song", "Jeff Johnson Spoke" and "Close That Door" also reached Top 10 of one of Chicago based radio stations.

Current chart standings are weekly updated at our Instagram and Wojciech's FB.

We were lucky enough to gain a a nice stream numbers with Spotify. Also our videos on YT get really good amount of views.


We are very happy to receive a very good worldwide airplay at FM and internet radio stations including: Poland, the US (California, Illinois, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Washington and many more), the UK (including a few in London), Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Mexico, Ghana, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Panama, Domicana, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Puerto Rico and many other countries.

Our songs were named station song of a week at East London Station in the UK (Jeff Johnson Spoke, Destroyed, Cecil Has Changed, Snake Doctor, Tinder Girl and Girl With Sponges) and we were the station band of the week at that station in 2021.


All our albums - "Mellow Joy", "Obligation" and "Joy Free Bowls" (the CDs) are selling at Empik - the largest stores chain - charting weekly and monthly at Pop & Rock (Polish and also All countries) charts. Our CDs are also sold at MediaMarkt and many popular music internet based music stores.

Our third album "Mellow Joy" was out on 22nd of October 2021. Its first release sold out.

The 4th album "For and a half" was out in May of 2022 and charted at no. 13 at Top 100 Empik chart (similar as previous ones) and at UK Albums Top at UKTalk Radio chart.

We already finished recording songs for our 5th album with working title "Five".

We would like to thank here all those who buy our singles and the album, stream, watch and listen to our music and all those who play our songs at FM and internet radio stations.


The videos for our songs are here:

Girl With Sponges (feat. Catlea): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL5LOy0oP74

Bubba Does: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f1ilzSC0b0

Close That Door: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izs5rXk553U

Tinder Girl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DpOeWeVB7k

Sweeter (A Version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaWVbE9wZes

Cecil Has Changed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7mz2L0XHvA

A Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS-EvIgqlMU

Destroyed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXNj-0WEBi8

Decent Obligation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rb3TNEODz4&t=6s

Jeff Johnson Spoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfeopmFgesQ

Life's No Prison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E98YCgosmtw


We're happy to announce that CASE STUDIO is responsible for physical CD release and sales and promotion of our music.

CD albums are distributed by Case Studio with MyMusic (all albums) and Jazzsound (first two albums).


Nearly all songs for our albums "Obligation", "Joy Free Bowl" and "Mellow Joy"  were mixed by Chris Bolster at Abbey Road Studios in London. All songs except for "Life's no prison", "Sweeter (A Version)" and "My Friend (Convince Me)" from first two albums were mastered by Andy 'Hippy' Baldwin at Metropolis Mastering in London.  "Life's no prison", "Sweeter (A Version)" and "My Friend"  were mixed and mastered by Thomas Queyja at The Lips Studio in LA https://www.thelipstudio.com/. Wojciech collaborated earlier with Thomas  on The Implants US debut release “Leprosy”. Several of the Implants songs were mastered by Howie Weinberg for it's anniversary re-release.

A couple songs off upgoming "Mellow Joy" album were mastered by Corey Coffman known for his work at CoreyRecording and the band Gleemer.

One of songs for the 4th album was mixed and mastered by Corey Alley from Hobbit Hole Productions.

Many off the 4th album and some off the previous albums were mixed by Dawid Gorgolewski at Osso Studio in Osowa.

All songs were recorded at Stolarnia Art Studio in Osowa.


Practice is fun, not necessarily the way to perfection

Life and people give us constant inspiration for writing music. Sometimes it's a good inspiration, sometimes bad.
If we record anything we do it usually in one take.
We love to record.

We would like to thank here several people who helped us - recently and in the past - all that to happen: Chris Bolster, Andy 'Hippy' Baldwin, Thomas Queyja, Joe Gibb, Kevin Paul, Matt Gerhard, Corey Alley, Dawid Gorgolewski, Jan Kurczewski, Lisa Huersing, Christina Corless, Victory Vizhanska, Dominika, Ada Nike, Janek Kurczewski, Brett Broadway, Adam Ellerbrock, Nate Clum, Nate Parkin and special thanks for Sławek Papis from our label Case Studio.

Also our appreciation goes to: Best Pub Osowa, Stolarnia Art Studio, Osso Studio, Abbey Road Studios and Metropolis Studios in London, the Lip Studio (LA), Proud Larry's, the Gin, Forrester's, Lafayette's and other great venues in Oxford, Meridian and Memphis.

Huge thank you also to all people playing our music worldwide. Special thanks to: Radio Olsztyn, Radio Ostrowiec, Radio Tczew, Michelle Ward, Paul Goulder Chris Redjam and Jeff Fekete.

And to Tyler Keith and the Neckbones. "Eyeful" was the main inspiration for Wojciech to play music on more serious basis. Y'all please check Tyler Keith's solo albums as well as the Neckbones and other bands he has played with.


We are also behind Jiri Blaha & Framuga Boys. Under that name we released in April of 2021 a single - Okurky a laska je velka.

Or do something better. Especially in those difficult times. Let's keep music alive. And support all people working around music. And first of all - y'all stay safe and in good health.


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